Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Costume Sale This Saturday!

Bradshaw Call shows off matching gold lame' jumpsuits
from the last ACT Costume Sale - they sold like hotcakes!
Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes! We're having another costume sale, and it's this Saturday (August 18, 2012) from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Though we'll have the groovy vintage dresses and the table of completely kooky hats, Saturday's sale will also feature items that don't show up as often.

We cleaned out the wig room, and thus will have a big box full of fun wigs. Who doesn't need a blond blowout for their next karaoke foray? Or a short bob with teeny tiny fluorescent snakes woven through it?

There's a rumor that there's a full-on Braveheart costume as well, which might be perfect for someone's Halloween party. Or bachelorette party.  This being Asheville...

We accept cash, checks, and credit cards.  All proceeds support programming at ACT - aka the classes and the shows!

Hope we'll see you on Saturday!

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